October 15, 2012
NAPPANEE, INDIANA: NTA is pleased to announce a new Quality System Verification Program for JetProjects, LLC, manufacturer of JetBoard™. The new certification verifies that JetBoard™, a magnesium oxide sheathing panel, is manufactured under a quality system, which complies with the rigorous standards of NTA, Inc.
JetBoard™ is a magnesium-oxide sheathing product used with interior and exterior applications in both commercial and residential structures. This new building solution features magnesium cement as a replacement for the traditional Portland cement found in most fiber cement boards. According to JetProjects President, Jim Wambaugh, “JetBoard™ offers superior material composition, is environmentally friendly, contractor friendly and has exceptional durability. The NTA certification is great because it provides credibility and third-party assurance to our program, which is important to our clients.”
Look for the NTA QSV stamp to ensure your construction materials are quality products.
About NTA: NTA, Inc., located in Nappanee, Indiana, provides building product certification, building code compliance review, engineering design services, inspection and product testing. The company has over 60 trained professional engineers, plan reviewers, technicians, consultants and design draftsmen with professional registrations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.