February 23 and 27, 2017
NAPPANEE, INDIANA: The Northwood Scholarship Foundation Phone-A-Thon took place at the corporate headquarters of NTA, Inc. This year, 68 students participated in the fundraiser, receiving $30,316 in pledges. The donations go to Northwood Seniors in the form of Scholarships for college.
Each year NTA opens its doors to the students, and employees allow them to make phone calls from their offices to family, friends and businesses who contribute to the fund. As a proud member of the Nappanee community, NTA is pleased to be able to help contribute to the future of such dedicated students.
About NTA, Inc.:NTA, Inc., located in Nappanee, Indiana, provides building product certification, building code compliance review, engineering design services, inspection and product testing. The company has over 70 trained professional engineers, plan reviewers, technicians, consultants and design draftsman with professional registrations in all 50 states, Guam, the District of Columbia and Canada.