NTA’s new and improved website

February 15th,2019

NAPPANEE, INDIANA: At NTA, the customer has always been number one priority. NTA has recently taken new steps to ensure that manufacturers are able to find the information they are looking for and services they need, quicker than ever. NTA’s completely redesigned website was built to educate customers and allow them to make more informed decisions on product testing, inspections, evaluations, and certifications.

Code Updates

The new website provides a continually managed list and summary of code updates for the US and Canada. Want to receive notifications of new code updates? NTA wants to make the lives of customers easier by allowing them to sign up to receive code updates–by state. Check all US states, Canada, or individually check the states for which updates are needed, and get the updates sent straight to your inbox.

Latest News Blog

Find all industry news in one place. NTA’s news section is the simplest way to stay informed on all of the latest testing methods, requirements, code changes, and more. Common themes of posts include upcoming trade shows, ASTM standards, the product certification process, and new testing equipment.

Media Section

NTA has a dedicated portion of the new website that enables customers to better understand the testing and certification process by watching video demonstrations of the techniques and procedures utilized by NTA during testing. The extensive video library is categorized by testing type, and gives customers a behind-the-scenes look into the services NTA provides.

New Search Function

NTA’s new website makes certification verification simple by putting the directory search function front and center on the new homepage. Our customers can feel at ease knowing that their certifications can be verified quickly and easily- searching by code evaluation report number, or by product listing number, in compliance with ISO 17065.

The New Education Destination

NTA’s new website is the trustworthy education destination for manufacturers looking to learn more about testing and certification for their products. NTA’s goal is to share information with the public so that they are able to make better-informed decisions about choosing a certification and accreditation body. From prototype testing to final certification, NTA is the ‘one-stop-shop for evaluating and helping you quickly bring your innovative products to market.

About NTA, Inc.: located in Nappanee, Indiana, provides building product certification, building code compliance review, engineering design services, and, inspection and product testing. The company has over 60 trained professional engineers, plan reviewers, technicians, consultants, and design draftsmen with professional registrations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.