NetZero SIPS, LLC has been certified under a new NTA, Inc. evaluation report, NER-1017

February 12th, 2019

Nappanee, Indiana: NTA, Inc. has certified (NER-1017) that NetZero SIPS in Jefferson City, MO, has been evaluated for the products listed below, for compliance in 2012 and 2015 International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC). Also, the products listed below have been evaluated in accordance with NTA IM 014 Structural Insulated Panel Evaluation, NTA IM 036 Quality System Requirements and, Structural performance under axial, transverse and inplane shear loads.

  • Structural Insulated Panels – Wall and Roof Panels 8 foot to 24 foot long, 4-½ inches to 6-½ inches thick.

Building Panels are factory-assembled, engineered-wood-faced, structural insulated panels (SIPs) with polyurethane foam plastic core. The panels intended use is load-bearing or non-load bearing wall and roof components. panels are custom made to the specifications for each use and are to be assembled under factory-controlled conditions.

NetZero Wall and Roof SIPs
Photo Courtesy of

NetZero SIPS project design and structural insulated panel shop produce SIP’s that are fully customizable and made from expanded polyurethane foam, which allows our product to perform almost twice as efficiently as a polystyrene panel. The panels and the envelope they create produce significant savings in energy costs each month. However, NetZero SIP’s is more than just the panels themselves. The design process is equally innovative and is the cornerstone of a highly efficient building process. With expert designers, they take virtually any building plans and create a precise 3D model that shows how everything is laid out.

NetZero SIPS website:

Link to the NER-1017 report can be found on NTA website via report search:

About NTA, Inc: NTA, located in Nappanee, IN, provides building product certification, building code compliance review, engineering design services, and, inspection & product testing. The company has over 60 trained professional engineers, plan reviewers, technicians, consultants, and design draftsmen with professional registrations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.