Innovative building product manufacturers anticipate that code officials and customers will need to know how their new, alternative products or assemblies will perform. While customers typically ask about product features and benefits, code officials will ask different questions – “Where is this product’s certification report?”, “Do you have a Code Report or Listing Report for this product or assembly?” and “Is it ICC certified?” are all typical questions manufacturers hear from code officials. In every case, the code official requests a document that is the result of product evaluation.
Product evaluation combines test data, engineering calculations, and the expert opinion of a highly qualified engineer to confirm that the alternative material meets the intent and purpose of the applicable code or standard. The result is a package of information that can readily be used to produce certification reports, like an ICC-ES Evaluation Service Report (ESR), ICC-ES Evaluation Service Listing (ESL), or State-issued reports like Florida Product Approval. Manufacturers find these tools to be critical when increasing the marketability and acceptance of their products.
Why Choose ICC NTA?
Many manufacturers are led by hands-on problem-solvers – eager to tackle most challenges. They will seek to learn all the processes, agencies, and people involved in code compliance. While some manufacturers have teams dedicated to this activity, those who do not can find the task daunting, at best, and a distraction from their core business, at worst. Manufacturers who partner with ICC NTA find a less-stress, faster-timeline solution by allowing us to apply our expert knowledge of the process and requirements to meet their needs.
As part of the International Code Council Family of Solutions—the leading source of international codes and standards—we offer dependable, single-source solutions to streamline your path to the market through testing, inspection, evaluation, and certification services.