The following notice was received from HCD. The purpose of the Information Bulletin is to announce the permanent adoption of emergency building standards regulations amending the 2016 California Building Code (CBC) and 2016 California Existing Building Code (CEBC). These regulations are currently in effect as emergency regulations through January 26, 2018. The permanent adoption of these regulations ensures that the regulations will continue to remain in effect without interruption in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, Parts 2 and Part 10.
These permanently adopted standards impact the construction of exterior elevated elements (EEE) for residential occupancies, including any EEE attached to factory-built housing, hotels, motels, apartment buildings, state buildings or public schools. The EEE regulations provide additional details required for: construction documents, inspections, an increase in structural live loads for balconies and decks, surface slopes to reduce water retention, and added ventilation to the underside of enclosed EEE. The regulations also include Section 101.8 in the CEBC which reinstates a maintenance provision from the 2013 CEBC allowing local jurisdictions to reinspect buildings if deemed necessary.