State: Connecticut

Connecticut to Adopt New State Building and Fire Safety Codes
July 14, 2022

The Department of Administrative ServicesOffice of the State Building Inspector, and Office of the State Fire Marshal, in conjunction with the Codes & Standards Committee and the Fire Prevention Code Advisory Committee, intend to adopt the following new codes, effective October 1, 2022. Codes will be based on the 2021 ICC Group Codes, including the 2020 NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (more…)

Important Dates ENERGY STAR Tax Credit
January 31, 2020

As you may be aware, late last year Congress extended the $1,000 tax credit for each ENERGY STAR home completed through 2020 and made the credit retroactive to include homes completed in 2018 and 2019. During this period, we launched Version 2 of the ENERGY STAR requirements. SBRA is currently developing program rules that will apply to Version 2 homes. We will post information as it becomes available.  (more…)

Connecticut intends to adopt the 2020 State Building and Fire Safety Codes
February 1, 2019

The State Building Inspector, State Fire Marshal and the Codes and Standards Committee announce intent to adopt the 2020 State Building and Fire Safety Codes based on the 2018 editions of the International Code Council (ICC) documents.  Technical review of these codes will be conducted by the Committee’s Codes Amendment Subcommittee (more…)

Connecticut Legislature approves the submitted Building and Fire Codes
July 30, 2018

Connecticut Legislature approves the submitted Building and Fire Codes and includes the 2017 NEC. Adoption will be October 1, 2018. The new Building, Fire Safety and Fire Prevention Codes were approved by the Connecticut Legislative Regulation Review Committee at their meeting yesterday.  These codes will go into effect on October 1, 2018.  (more…)

Habitable Attic Egress Requirements
July 3, 2018

Please be aware of the definition and egress requirements of a habitable attic as it relates to dwellings built from the 2012 IRC. The 2009 and 2015 IRC verbiage is similar and still applicable. Attics that meet the size and ceiling height criteria of the “Habitable Attic” definition in Chapter 2 are considered habitable. This is applicable to finished and unfinished spaces. Habitable attics require a vertical access and emergency escape and rescue opening. Vertical access can be a fixed internal stair, ramp, or exterior stair. (more…)