Per an ICC NTA Conference meeting with the Commonwealth of PA on Feb. 02, 2023, please be advised of the following update on the Commercial Industrialized Building Program rollout. (more…)
On October 26, 2022, the Commonwealth Court issued an opinion in Pennsylvania Builders Association v. Department of Labor and Industry, which permanently enjoined enforcement of the 2021 accessibility updates to the Uniform Construction Code. As such, effective immediately, you must cease all enforcement of the 2021 accessibility standards. (more…)
The PA Industrialized Housing Program has officially adopted the 2018 Codes as provided by the UCC RAC on Friday, August 12, 2022. Any home that is labeled with the PA Insignia of Certification prior to and up to the end of business on August 12, 2022, may be constructed to the 2015 codes. Any home labeled after August 12, 2022, must be designed and constructed to the 2018 Codes. (more…)
Please note the following for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PA DCED will be implementing their Industrialized Commercial Program under the Industrialized Housing Act as amended in November 2016. At this time they do not have a “start date” however, PA DCED believes it will be before the end of this calendar year. (more…)
As you may be aware the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code is adopting the 2018 ICC Codes (2017 NEC) on February 14, 2022. As with previous code changes, PA DCED gave a six-month period in order for manufacturers of industrialized housing to transition to the new codes and will do the same this time.
At this time the PA Industrialized Housing Program office is leaning towards the following (unofficial) timeframe; (more…)
The office of Housing Standards continues to work remotely due to the COVID 19 pandemic, however they have made a slight change regarding the mailing of industrialized housing and component insignias; (more…)
The Governor has closed all Commonwealth facilities in Harrisburg, PA to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). DCED has started our telework operations and will continue to do so for 14 days. Regarding the ordering of PA Industrialized Housing Insignias, they have implemented the following contingency plan: (more…)
Please see the attached memorandum regarding mixed-use structures within the city of Philadelphia. The City of Philadelphia adopted the 2018 ICC codes and this created an issue when constructing units with other than Group R sections being placed within or on top of the structure while being constructed to different code versions. They had several discussions with the City of Philadelphia and came to a conclusion when constructing this type of structure. Please see the attached memorandum which explains how these types of mixed-use structures will be handle for the City of Philadelphia. (more…)
As you may be aware, late last year Congress extended the $1,000 tax credit for each ENERGY STAR home completed through 2020 and made the credit retroactive to include homes completed in 2018 and 2019. During this period, we launched Version 2 of the ENERGY STAR requirements. SBRA is currently developing program rules that will apply to Version 2 homes. We will post information as it becomes available. (more…)
Press Release received by Code Council – The city of Philadelphia modernized its plumbing code based on the 2018 International Plumbing Code (IPC). The IPC is one of a family of correlated and coordinated codes published by the International Code Council – the International Codes (I-Codes) – that are the most widely (more…)
As you are aware the Pennsylvania Industrialized Housing Program will adopt the 2015 codes and 2014 NEC effective on April 1, 2019. As a reminder, please find the previous direction received from the state regarding the construction of homes to the 2009 codes once a manufacturer is certified to construct to the 2015 codes. (more…)
As part of the adoption of the 2015 codes, specifically, N1102.4.1.2 Air Leakage Testing, all manufacturers will be required to place this requirement on the Site Installation Inspection Report (§145.91(e)) which is provided to each person installing the industrialized home. Please assure the installer is aware of this addition and please refer to the section within the IRC. Please add to your checklist something to reflect; Air Leakage Test was conducted in accordance with N1102.4.1.2 and a written report of the results was signed by the approved third party conducting the test and provided to the code official. (more…)
Please find the PA DCED Memos 2015 Code Information as received from Michael Moglia, Program Administrator with the Pennsylvania Housing Standards Division. As you are aware the Pennsylvania Industrialized Housing Program will adopt the 2015 codes and 2014 NEC effective on April 1, 2019. (more…)
Please be advised of the following Code Update info as received from Mike Moglia at PA. The Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code will adopt the 2015 I-Codes (2014 NEC) effective October 1, 2018; however, the PA Industrialized Housing Program will adopt the 2015 codes effective April 1, 2019. (more…)
Please be aware of the definition and egress requirements of a habitable attic as it relates to dwellings built from the 2012 IRC. The 2009 and 2015 IRC verbiage is similar and still applicable. Attics that meet the size and ceiling height criteria of the “Habitable Attic” definition in Chapter 2 are considered habitable. This is applicable to finished and unfinished spaces. Habitable attics require a vertical access and emergency escape and rescue opening. Vertical access can be a fixed internal stair, ramp, or exterior stair. (more…)