Pennsylvania DCED Memorandums 2015 Code Change Information
November 21, 2018
Please find thePA DCED Memos 2015 Code Information as received from Michael Moglia, Program Administrator with the Pennsylvania Housing Standards Division. As you are aware the Pennsylvania Industrialized Housing Program will adopt the 2015 codes and 2014 NEC effective on April 1, 2019.The memos address how displayed or stored certified industrialized housing modules constructed to the 2009 codes are handled after the code change, the 2019 Notices of approval, and procedures to be followed when a unit is constructed to the previous code version.
Displayed or stored certified industrialized housing modules constructed to the 2009 codes
- Industrialized housing modules on display or in storage that are certified to the previous code version and have not been sold and placed on a permanent foundation will remain exempt under the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code. If the certification applicable to these buildings is questioned due to having been stored or displayed outside the control of the manufacturer, the inspection or evaluation agency should conduct the necessary inspections to verify the modules have not been modified. Such verification should be evidenced in the form of a letter. This information is being conveyed to the local officials.
2019 Notices of Approval
- We are at the time of the year where notices of approval are forwarded to manufacturers and third party agencies. The code change effective on April, 2019 will effect the issuance of the notice of approvals. To assure all manufacturers are certified to produce units to the new 2015 codes and the 2014 NEC, PA DCED will require the third party to officially advise manufacturers who are certified to produce industrialized housing units in accordance with the new codes prior to December 1, 2018. For the manufacturers who chose to comply, the new 2019 notice of approval will expire on December 31, 2019.
- If manufacturers are not certified to produce units to the new codes prior to December 1, 2018, the 2019 notice of approval will expire March 31, 2019. When the Third Party Agency officially certifies the manufacturer to the new codes PA DCED will reissue the 2019 Notice of Approval which will then expire on December 31, 2019.
Constructing new Industrialized Housing to the previous code version
- PA DCED has been receiving questions regarding the construction of homes to the 2009 codes once a manufacturer is certified to construct to the 2015 codes. Once a manufacturer is certified to produce new Industrialized housing units to the 2015 codes and the 2014 NEC, the manufacturer will be permitted to construct to the 2009 code versions ONLY if the builder has signed a contract to build OR the building permit was applied for BEFORE the manufacturer was certified to construct to the 2015 codes. Should this occur the manufacturer MUST provide a copy of the the signed contract or approved building permit recognising the 2009 codes to the third party agency and the documents must be forwarded to the PA DCED office and placed in the manufacturers file. The memo specifically states, there will be no exceptions.