Maryland 2021 Code Cycle Adoption Information
State (the Department) has adopted the 2021 edition of IBC, IRC, IECC, IgCC & IEBC for;
As received from the Maryland Division of Labor and Industry:
Please be advised that roof design live load and ground snow load for bldgs to be installed in Howard County, Maryland, should comply (more…)
As you may be aware, late last year Congress extended the $1,000 tax credit for each ENERGY STAR home completed through 2020 and made the credit retroactive to include homes completed in 2018 and 2019. During this period, we launched Version 2 of the ENERGY STAR requirements. SBRA is currently developing program rules that will apply to Version 2 homes. We will post information as it becomes available. (more…)
As received from the Maryland Department of Labor, Division of Labor and Industry. The State Fire Prevention Code has been revised to reference (Incorporation by Reference) 2018 edition of NFPA 1 (Fire Code) & 101 (Life Safety Code). (more…)
Please be advised that the State of Maryland DLLR has completed the adoption of the 2018 edition of I-codes and other applicable codes. See below the two issues of the Maryland Register. New codes will become effective on March 25, 2019. For detailed information, please visit the Maryland Code Administration News web page. (more…)
Please find the following January 2019 issue of the Maryland Register: Highlights include a notice of proposed action. The Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and regulation and the Secretary of housing and community development jointly proposed a code update to the 2018 I-codes and the 2017 NEC (page 10 of 16). The proposal is currently available for public comment until February 4, 2019. Comments may be emailed to Mischelle F Vanreusel at (more…)
The climatic and geographic design criteria per 2015 IRC table 301.2(1) for modular buildings must follow the requirements of the individual Maryland local Jurisdictions. The memo asks that the individual counties/cities are contacted for particular requirements for each jurisdiction however, an updated table is provided for reference only. This memo does supersede the three previously issued memos dated November 18, 2011. Please note: The current model performance code applicable to (more…)
The Maryland Code Administration News announcing the transfer of the Maryland Building Codes Administration to the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation and the advanced notice of a 30-day comment period for the adoption of the 2018 edition of International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC), and International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). During the 2018 session of the Maryland General Assembly, House Bill 694 passed. The bill authorized the (more…)
Please find the linked memo below as received by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation regarding procedures for insignia, forms, and location reports after July 1, 2018. Further correspondence with the department provided additional direction to send email completed forms (more…)
Please be aware of the definition and egress requirements of a habitable attic as it relates to dwellings built from the 2012 IRC. The 2009 and 2015 IRC verbiage is similar and still applicable. Attics that meet the size and ceiling height criteria of the “Habitable Attic” definition in Chapter 2 are considered habitable. This is applicable to finished and unfinished spaces. Habitable attics require a vertical access and emergency escape and rescue opening. Vertical access can be a fixed internal stair, ramp, or exterior stair. (more…)
Memorandum as received from the Maryland Codes Administration regarding the latest direction on acceptance of insignias, forms, and location reports. (more…)