Please find the following January 2019 issue of the Maryland Register: Highlights include a notice of proposed action. The Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and regulation and the Secretary of housing and community development jointly proposed a code update to the 2018 I-codes and the 2017 NEC (page 10 of 16). The proposal is currently available for public comment until February 4, 2019. Comments may be emailed to Mischelle F Vanreusel at Please see page 11 of 16 to comment by fax or mail. The proposed code update will be applicable to Industrialized Buildings.
Please note: With the move of the Building Code Administration to DLLR, the COMAR designation is currently projected to be re-designed under COMAR 09.12.50 in March of 2019.
Maryland Register Building Code Transfer & Code Update 01-04-19