Please find the latest information as received by the Florida Building Codes and Standards regarding the 7th Edition (2020) Update to the Florida Building Code. Outcomes from the October 8, 2018 Florida Building Commission “Commission” meeting regarding the review of the 2018 changes to the International Codes (I-Codes), are now posted and available for review. The proposed code amendment cycle to the 7th Edition (2020) update to the Florida Building Code (FBC) will commence November 2, 2018 and will close by midnight December 15, 2018. The draft 7th Edition (2020) update to the Florida Building Code consists of the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code as the foundation and the 2018 I-Code changes as approved by the Commission and compiled in tracking charts designated as (Chart #1: Tracking Charts with Commission/TAC Accommodate Florida Specific need).
The tracking charts and detailed reports containing the 2018 I-Codes changes are available via the Commission website, at the following link:
Proposed code modifications are accepted electronically via website. All of the information and the steps necessary to submit a modification are done on-line atwww.floridabuilding.orgthrough the code modification database. To further familiarize yourself with the modification process, we advise that you take the time to review the list of “Question & Answers” and the “Users Guide” which are available from the following link above.
Should you have any questions, please call the state at 850-487-1824.