The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries(L&I) adopted a 5.86% fee increase for permits, inspections, and other services for factory-assembled structures. A fee increase is needed to cover increased operating costs for L&I’s Factory Assembled Structures (FAS) Program. The fee increase is the maximum the state Office of Financial Management allows for the fiscal year 2023.
L&I also adopted a housekeeping change to make a typo correction.
The fee changes affect the following Washington Administrative Code (WAC) rules and fees in the following areas:
You can review the rulemaking process regarding the new fees here or by going to the program’s “Rule Development” page.
The new fees were adopted (CR-103) on Sept. 20 and will take effect on November 1, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact them at FAS1@Lni.wa.govor call 1- 800-705-1411, Option 3.