Please be advised that Illinois has posted a rulemaking proposal to update codes that will affect the Illinois Modular Dwellings and Mobile Structures Code. Please click here to find the following link to the “Notice of Proposed Amendment”.
There is a 45-day comment period after issues of the Illinois Register which expires on Feb 9, 2024. Please find info below that provides information on where written comments can be sent:
Time, Place, and Manner in which interested persons may comment on this proposed rulemaking: Interested persons may present their written comments concerning this rulemaking within 45 days after this issue of the Illinois Register. Written comments suggesting amendments to the rulemaking must provide the reason for the suggested amendment. An edited version of the rulemaking is acceptable if submitted with written comments and supporting reasons. Send written comments to:
Department of Public Health
Attention: Tracey Trigillo, Rules Coordinator Lincoln Plaza 524 South 2nd Street, 6th Floor Springfield, IL 62701
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