New York State Fire Prevention & Building Code Council Meeting
A meeting of the STATE FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE COUNCIL will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 23, 2023, via videoconference call (WebEx) at the following locations:
99 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York, in Conference Rooms 505, 1112, and 1135;
123 William Street, New York, New York, in Conference Room 231*; and
295 Main Street, Buffalo, New York, in Conference Room 803*.
*Seating space is limited in these locations and remote attendance or in-person in the Albany location is encouraged. Please note that public comments can be provided by attending either remotely or in-person.
The public has the right to attend the meeting at any of the locations or can attend remotely at the link provided below. Anyone interested in attending the meeting in-person is encouraged to email prior to the meeting with the location they wish to attend.
For more information and view the agenda for the meeting, please click here.
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