Oklahoma – OUBCC assembles an Electrical Technical Committee (ETC)

August 17, 2018

The Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission (OUBCC) has assembled an Electrical Technical Committee (ETC) to review the 2017 Edition of the NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (2017 NEC). The committee is expected to review the 2017 NEC and propose any modifications needed to fit the needs of the State of Oklahoma.

The ETC meetings will be held in the OUBCC Board Room at 2401 NW 23rd Street, Suite 2F, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Meetings have been scheduled for September 12, October 17, November 28, and December 5. Additional meetings may be scheduled in 2019, as needed. All meetings are open to the public and will allow for public comment and input. The official public comment form can be accessed by clicking HERE. Additional information, meeting agendas, and previous meeting minutes can be accessed on the OUBCC Technical Committee webpage by clicking HERE.

Contact: Bryan Holland, Bryan.Holland@nema.org

More information found HERE