Meeting for Proposed Modifications to the 2023 Florida Building Code (FBC)

December 6, 2022

Teleconference / Webinar Meeting from Tallahassee, Florida
December 6, 2022, 2:00 P.M. EST
Audio provided via (Toll Free): 1 877-309-2073     Access Code: 533-378-925

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and consider proposed modifications to the 7th Edition (2020 Florida Building Code (FBC) for inclusion in the 8th Edition (2023) update to the Florida Building Code and to accept public input regarding proposed modifications. Local amendments to the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code will also be considered. Detailed reports and tracking charts with linked download files containing the modifications and committee recommendations and list of mods requested to be pulled off the consent agendas by interested parties with regard thereto are now available via the Commission website, at the following link:

In addition, from the link above, you can review and download the “Commission Code Modification Review and Approval Process.” Please review the “Commission Code Modification Review and Approval Process” for specific details regarding the Commission’s review process.

Comments on a proposed mod may be provided at the meeting. If you plan to provide additional comments on “alternative language to a proposed code change” at the meeting, please make sure that an electronic version is available, provided to the staff to be projected for consideration, and bring at least 30 hard copies of the comment for Commission members and staff. You may also email the alternative language to Mr. Mo Madani in advance of the meeting at

Please note that the detail reports and tracking charts for Electrical, Energy, Fire, Plumbing, Roofing, Structural, Code Admin, and Swimming Pool have been further updated to include a list of all the modifications requested to be pulled off consent agendas for individual consideration.

The Florida Building Commission Meeting will be held on December 13-14, 2022, to discuss and consider proposed modifications to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC for inclusion in the 8th Edition (2023) update to the FBC.

For any questions, call (850) 487-1824.
Mo Madani, Technical Director
Building Codes and Standards Office